Avowed Unlocks Deep Roleplay
Avowed, Obsidian Entertainment's highly anticipated fantasy RPG, is set to launch in 2025, promising a richly detailed experience with complex gameplay and multiple endings. Game director Carrie Patel recently offered insights into the game's intricate design.
Avowed: Complex Choices, Multiple Outcomes
Navigating Political Intrigue in The Living Lands
In an interview with Game Developer, Patel highlighted Avowed's focus on player agency. Every decision, no matter how small, contributes to a unique and personalized experience. "It's about giving the player moment-to-moment opportunities to express and explore their character's alignment," she explained. The game encourages players to consider their motivations and reactions: "When am I excited? When am I curious? When is my attention starting to wane? What's drawing me from moment to moment?"The choices players make will directly impact their journey through Eora, particularly within The Living Lands, where political power is fiercely contested. Patel emphasized the importance of exploration in shaping the narrative: "The choices and outcomes are going to depend on what you're able to find."
Players take on the role of an Aedyran Empire envoy investigating a spiritual plague while simultaneously pursuing their own political ambitions. "Giving players things to dig into—that's what makes it meaningful roleplay," Patel stated. "It's about who you want to be in this world, and how these situations allow you to express that."
Beyond the robust RPG mechanics, Avowed features strategic combat combining magic, swords, and firearms. Weapon and ability choices significantly impact gameplay, ensuring replayability. "The abilities you can choose and the weapon loadouts you can select give you a very different experience each time you play," Patel confirmed.
In a separate interview with IGN, Patel revealed the sheer number of possible endings: "I can tell you our ending slides number in the double digits, and you can end up with a lot of different combinations of them. This is an Obsidian game, so your ending really is the sum total of your choices across the game."
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