Iseka Saga: Liste de niveau éveillé pour les héros les plus forts

Feb 10,25

Isekai Saga: Awaken: une liste complète de niveaux des héros les plus forts

Isekai Saga: Awaken, un nouveau RPG inactif captivant, invite les joueurs à collecter l'adorable Chibi Waifus via un vaste système de gacha. Cette liste de niveaux met en évidence les héros les plus puissants du jeu pour accélérer vos progrès. Les héros sont classés en niveaux, le niveau S représentant le plus fort et le plus faible le plus faible.

Explorez le classement des héros ci-dessous!

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Hero NameRarityElement
Isekai Saga: Awaken Tier List for the Strongest HeroesSiren, a 5-star blue elemental Warrior, utilizes her active ability, Nomad Flute Blade, to inflict magical damage on a single enemy. A noteworthy 30% of this damage is then used to heal the allied hero with the lowest HP. Her standard attacks also deal magical damage to a single enemy.
Hero NameRarityElement
Isekai Saga: Awaken Tier List for the Strongest HeroesSiren, a 5-star blue elemental Warrior, utilizes her active ability, Nomad Flute Blade, to inflict magical damage on a single enemy. A noteworthy 30% of this damage is then used to heal the allied hero with the lowest HP. Her standard attacks also deal magical damage to a single enemy.

Enhance your Isekai Saga: Awaken experience by playing on a larger screen using BlueStacks. Enjoy improved gameplay with keyboard and mouse controls on your PC or laptop.

Enhance your Isekai Saga: Awaken experience by playing on a larger screen using BlueStacks. Enjoy improved gameplay with keyboard and mouse controls on your PC or laptop.
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