Dec 30,24Discover Mythical Isle's Enchanting Pokémon TCG Event 《宝可梦集换式卡牌游戏口袋妖怪》神秘岛徽章活动指南 另一场徽章活动在宝可梦集换式卡牌游戏口袋妖怪中上线,您有直到2025年1月10日的时间来赢得四个徽章中的一个。这些徽章可以在您的个人资料上展示,以炫耀您在游戏中的技能水平。如果您对这场PvP活动的细节、任务和奖励感到好奇,我们已经为您准备好了!这是一份关于宝可梦口袋妖怪神秘岛活动的指南,其中包含您需要了解的一切。 神秘岛徽章活动详情 开始日期: 2024年12月20日 结束日期: 2025年1月10日 类型: PvP活动 前提: 完成间歇性PvP胜利 主要奖励: 徽章 额外奖励: 宝箱沙漏和闪光粉尘 神秘岛徽章活动是一个为期22天的PvP
Dec 30,24Brazilian firm Tectoy debuts Zeenix PCs Tectoy, a prominent Brazilian company with a history of Sega console distribution, is venturing into the handheld PC market with the Zeenix Pro and Zeenix Lite. These devices were showcased at Gamescom Latam, drawing significant attention. The key difference lies in their processing power, with th
Dec 30,24Genshin Devs Devastated by Backlash 原神开发团队因玩家强烈负面反馈而感到挫败和“无用” 团队致力于改进原神并倾听玩家意见 HoYoverse总裁刘伟最近坦言,过去一年中,玩家的严厉反馈给原神开发团队带来了巨大的压力和困惑。在上海的一次活动中,刘伟在玩家不满情绪日益高涨的动荡时期(尤其是在2024年春节前后以及随后的更新中)发表了上述评论。 在YouTube频道SentientBamboo录制并翻译的演讲中,刘伟表达了玩家强烈批评对团队的深远负面影响。“过去一年,原神团队和我都经历了很多焦虑和困惑,”他说。“我们确实感觉经历了一段非常艰难的时期。我们听到了很多声音,其中一些非常尖锐,导致整个项目团队都感觉非常无用。” 总裁的声明
Dec 30,24Samurai Heroes Star in New "Black Blade Chronicles" from Watcher of Realms Watcher of Realms' Black Blade Chronicles update introduces powerful new Samurai heroes! From October 17th to 21st, a limited-time event features Kigiri, the Undying Ronin. Meet Kigiri: The Undying Ronin This vengeful Samurai, one of the last survivors of a betrayal, seeks retribution for the destr
Dec 30,24Transformers Tanks Team Up with Squad Busters Squad Busters' first-ever cross-promotion is a massive collaboration with Transformers! This two-week event, starting today, lets you collect Energon and acquire Autobots. Dive into the Action! Optimus Prime and Elita-1 join the Squad Busters battle during this crossover. Collect Energon in Desert
Dec 30,24Idle RPG DragonSpear: Myu Set for Global Launch DragonSpear: Myu: A Cynical Huntress Takes on Two Worlds in This Idle RPG Game2gather's self-developed and published idle RPG, DragonSpear: Myu, is launching globally. Players take on the role of Myu, a cynical huntress armed with giant scissors, who finds herself tasked with saving both her home w
Dec 30,24Mistland Saga: Revolutionary RPG Blends Idle Gameplay with Real-Time Battles Wildlife Studios' new action RPG, Mistland Saga, has quietly launched in Brazil and Finland. Prepare to explore the magical world of Nymira! This follows the studio's success with titles like Planets Merge: Puzzle Games and Midas Merge. Dive into the Mystical World of Nymira Mistland Saga is an is
Dec 30,24Sony unveils groundbreaking in-game sign language translator 索尼专利:游戏内手语翻译器,为听障玩家带来更佳游戏体验! 索尼提交了一项专利申请,旨在提升听障玩家的游戏可及性。该专利展示了一种技术,可以将一种手语实时翻译成游戏中的另一种手语。 索尼专利:美式手语 (ASL) 到日式手语 (JSL) 的游戏内实时翻译器 索尼申请了一项专利,为电子游戏添加实时手语翻译功能。这项名为“虚拟环境中的手语翻译”的专利,阐述了一种技术,可以将美式手语 (ASL) 翻译成供日语使用者使用的日式手语 (JSL)。 索尼的目标是建立一个系统,通过在游戏中实时翻译手语来帮助听障玩家进行游戏内的对话。专利中描述的技术将允许屏幕上显示的虚拟指示器或化身实时传达手语。该系统首先将一
Dec 30,24Teeny Tiny Trains\' new update introduces a retro flare to the train connecting game Teeny Tiny Trains rolls out a major update packed with new features and improvements! Get ready for the Traincade, a retro-styled arcade hub brimming with minigames to unlock new trains and earn rewards. This update isn't just about minigames; it also enhances the overall gameplay experience. Expe
Dec 30,24Alice's Wonderland Journey in Sky: An Enchanting Realm Sky: Children of the Light is concluding its year with another fantastic crossover event! Following the hugely successful Moomins collaboration, Sky is partnering with Alice in Wonderland. thatgamecompany is bringing the magical world of Lewis Carroll to Sky's enchanting realm. The event kicks off
Dec 30,24Bandai Namco Flags Risks for Emerging IPs in Competitive Release Landscape Bandai Namco 欧洲 CEO 警告:新 IP 面临发行计划拥挤的风险 Bandai Namco 欧洲首席执行官 Arnaud Muller 表示,发行商在规划游戏发行方面面临新的挑战。本文将深入探讨 Muller 的声明及其对新 IP 发行的影响。 成本上升和不可预测的发行计划造成不确定性 2024 年对许多视频游戏开发者来说是具有变革性的一年,Bandai Namco 也身处其中。据该公司欧洲首席执行官 Arnaud Muller 透露,他们一直在应对经济不确定性和日益拥挤的发行日历带来的挑战。在最近的一次采访中,Muller 分享了他对 Bandai Namco 等发行商在规划未
Dec 30,24Island Adventure Awaits! Solve Archipelago's Secrets in Spirit Of The Island Escape to paradise in Spirit of the Island, the new summer game now available on Google Play! This isn't your average vacation; you're the island's new caretaker, tasked with revitalizing a once-popular tourist destination. Embark on an adventure steeped in ancient tradition, exploring a tropical a
Dec 30,24Winter Veil Festival: Blizzard Unveils Lore Secrets World of Warcraft's Festive Feast: A Lore-Filled Winter Veil World of Warcraft (WoW) and PlatinumWoW have teamed up to unveil a captivating lore video exploring the rich history of the in-game Feast of Winter Veil, WoW's delightful Christmas equivalent. This annual event consistently delivers speci
Dec 30,24Exclusive Behind the Scenes Revealed: Infinity Nikki Unveils Creative Process Infinity Nikki is launching in just nine days, and a new behind-the-scenes video offers a fascinating glimpse into its development. This open-world RPG, the most ambitious installment in the franchise, is generating considerable excitement. The video showcases the game's evolution from initial conc
Dec 30,24Diablo Immortal Unveils Shattered Sanctuary in Patch 3.2 Diablo Immortal's latest update, Patch 3.2: Shattered Sanctuary, concludes the game's inaugural chapter with a climactic showdown against the Lord of Terror, Diablo. After a two-year quest to recover Worldstone shards, players finally confront Diablo, who has transformed Sanctuary into a nightmaris
Dec 30,24Welcome The Fresh Spin on City-Building Game, Everdell Everdell fans rejoice! Dire Wolf Digital's Welcome to Everdell brings the charm of the beloved board game to a video game format. For just $7.99, build a whimsical city populated by adorable animal characters. Welcome to Everdell: A Digital Delight This city-building game captures the strategic dep
Dec 30,24Ciri's Fate Explored: Devs Address Witcher 4 Controversy 《巫师4》开发团队回应主角争议,但次世代主机兼容性仍不明朗 CD Projekt Red(CDPR)就《巫师4》中让希里担任主角的争议做出了回应,但游戏能否在现世代主机上运行仍然没有明确答案。继续阅读以了解更多最新消息。 《巫师4》开发团队分享游戏开发的一些见解 希里担任主角的争议得到回应 在12月18日接受VGC采访时,《巫师4》叙事总监菲利普·韦伯承认,让希里担任主角可能会引起争议。 让希里担任主角的问题源于玩家期待杰洛特继续担任《巫师4》的主角。“我认为我们肯定知道这可能会让一些人感到争议,因为当然,在前三部《巫师》游戏中,杰洛特是主角,我认为每个人都非常喜欢扮演杰洛特,”韦伯说
Dec 30,24Smurfs Race onto KartRider Rush+ in Season 29 KartRider Rush+ rolls into a frosty new season with a "chilling" crossover! Get ready for Season 29, featuring a Smurf-tastic collaboration. New karts, tracks, and playable characters await, including the incredibly blue additions from The Smurfs! Limited-Time Smurf Collaboration Goodies: Log in a
Dec 30,24Winter Mayhem Arrives in Blood Strike! Blood Strike's chilling 2024 Winter Event has arrived, bringing a wave of undead mayhem and powerful new weaponry! Forget snowy landscapes; this holiday season is all about intense shootouts. A brand-new Zombie Royale mode plunges players into a thrilling human vs. zombie battle. Downed players ris
Dec 30,24Stellar Blade PC Launch May Be Imminent Stellar Blade PC版即将到来?Shift Up高层透露好消息! 备受玩家期待的《Stellar Blade》PC版可能很快就会推出!Shift Up高层近日发表声明,暗示了这一消息。让我们一起来了解详情,以及未来的更新计划和合作内容! 相关视频 Stellar Blade登陆PC平台! Shift Up高层正积极筹备PC版 -------------------------------------------- 比我们想象的更快? 据GameMeca报道,Shift Up首席财务官安在宇(Ahn Jae-woo)在6月25日的公司IPO新闻发布会上表示,公司“目前正在考虑推出《S