"Apocalypse Knights Descend in 'Seven Deadly Sins' Expansion"

Dec 10,24

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross receives a major update, introducing the thrilling Four Knights of the Apocalypse storyline. This update brings a wealth of new content, including exciting new characters and engaging events.

What's New?

The spotlight is on Percival, the young hero with [Unknown Power], now playable in the initial chapter of the Four Knights of the Apocalypse arc. Progressing through this chapter unlocks special Four Knights of the Apocalypse Artifacts.

To commemorate this release, a series of in-game events runs until October 29th. The Four Knights of the Apocalypse Special Pick-Up Draw offers a guaranteed Percival at 600 mileage, while other SSR heroes like Prince Tristan ([Future of Liones]) and New Wings King ([Sweet Jelly]) are guaranteed at 300 mileage.

Another enticing draw, the ‘Apocalypse: The Beginning’ Special Pick-Up, provides a UR Level 90 SSR hero. This includes highly sought-after characters such as Berserk Meliodas (Assault Mode), Escanor ‘The One’ ([Invincible Avatar]), and Purgatory Ban ([Immortal’s Return]), among others.

More Exciting Additions

A special event, ‘Come on out! Mini Percival!’, lets players earn up to 300 Diamonds, 5 Super Awakening Coins, 10 Equipment Engraving Stones, and an Apocalypse: The Beginning Special Ticket. Additional rewards, including SSR Evolution Pendants and Super Awakening Coins, are tied to the number of summoned heroes.

A new minigame, Percival’s Adventure, challenges players to break blocks for points, rewarding them with items such as Hraesvelgr, Eikthyrnir, and Skoll & Hati Holy Relic Material Boxes.

Download The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross from the Google Play Store and experience the Four Knights of the Apocalypse saga today! For more mobile gaming news, check out our article on the upcoming mobile release of the popular deckbuilding RPG, Gordian Quest!

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