Indiana Jones Explores New Arenas in "Great Circle"
Feb 10,25
This guide details the locations and access requirements for all boxing arenas in Indiana Jones and The Great Circle, along with the rewards for participating.
Boxing Arena Locations and Access
Indiana Jones and The Great Circle features three boxing arenas, each requiring a specific disguise to access:
1. The Vatican City Boxing Arena:
- Requirement: Blackshirt disguise.
- Location: Located in the Vatican Gardens, near the Fountain of Confession, after passing it and heading right in the Belvedere Courtyard.
- Exclusive Adventure Books: Hardboiled I, Sawbones I
2. The Gizeh Knuckle Duster Boxing Pit:
- Requirement: Wehrmacht uniform.
- Location: Found in the back of Gizeh Village; an entrance leads underground.
- Exclusive Adventure Books: Hardboiled II, Sawbones II
3. The Sukhothai Boxing Arena:
- Requirement: Royal Army uniform.
- Location: Easily accessible near the Sukhothai starting hub. Take a boat north, keeping right along the boundary until reaching a dock. The arena entrance is nearby.
- Exclusive Adventure Books: Hardboiled III, Sawbones III
Rewards and Benefits of Visiting Boxing Arenas
Participating in boxing matches offers several advantages:
- Combat Skill Enhancement: Test your hand-to-hand combat skills against progressively challenging opponents.
- Unlimited Medkits: Resupply your medkits, even after completing all matches.
- Adventure Book Acquisition: Obtain the Hardboiled and Sawbones series of adventure books, enhancing bandage capabilities and merging health bars.
- Significant Rewards: Earn substantial money and adventure points.
- Trophy Unlock: Unlock the "Tour de Force" trophy by completing all three boxing arenas.
This comprehensive guide ensures you can locate and conquer all boxing arenas in Indiana Jones and The Great Circle, reaping the numerous rewards they offer.
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