Infinity Nikki: where to find the Specific Skirt
This guide details how to obtain the "Specific Skirt," a key item in a particular game quest. This skirt is crucial for completing the quest, and its design evokes a fairy-tale aesthetic.
The quest requires this skirt because the NPC needs it to blend in with Faewish Sprites, using it as camouflage.
Fortunately, acquiring the skirt doesn't involve dungeons, long journeys, or monster battles. It's available at the Marques Boutique.
The boutique's location is shown below, marked in red.
Inside, speak to the vendor and select the option to view the full inventory.
Navigate to the shorts section to find the skirt.
Purchase the skirt, then return to the NPC to complete the quest and receive a thematic hat reward.
For assistance with other quest items, such as the "Specific Dress," refer to our other helpful guides. Remember to save up in-game currency to purchase the skirt!
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