Pokemon Sleep adds Rufflet and Braviary to your dreamy encounters this January
Get ready for a flurry of feathered friends in Pokémon Sleep! Starting January 20th, Rufflet and Braviary are soaring into the game, rewarding your dedication as a sleep researcher.
This exciting update introduces these two Flying-type Pokémon to Greengrass Isle, Cyan Beach, and Snowdrop Tundra. Use your Pokémon Incense to boost your encounter chances!
From January 20th to 27th, it's Super Skill Week! Maximize your Pokémon's abilities across all areas. Pokémon specializing in Skills will appear more frequently, and the Mini Candy Boost will be active for a limited time. Helper Pokémon with the Skills specialty will have a 1.5x chance of triggering their main skill, which will then receive a 3x boost.
Beyond Rufflet and Braviary, several other Pokémon will enjoy increased appearance rates, including Meowth, Eevee, Psyduck, Drifloon, Growlithe, Mimikyu, Slowpoke, Togepi, Magnemite, Ralts, and more.
Want to learn more about collecting in Pokémon Sleep? Check out our guide on obtaining Shiny Pokémon!
Download Pokémon Sleep now on the App Store and Google Play – it's free to play with in-app purchases. Follow the official Twitter page for updates, visit the official website for details, or watch the embedded video above for a sneak peek.
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