Stardew Valley: How To Befriend The Dwarf

Feb 06,25

This guide explores the enigmatic Dwarf in Stardew Valley, focusing on befriending him. Unlike other villagers, befriending the Dwarf requires learning Dwarvish.

Meeting the Dwarf:

Dwarf's Boulder Located in the mines, to the right of the entrance on the first floor, a boulder hides the Dwarf's shop. Destroy the boulder (using a copper pickaxe or bomb) to reveal him.

Learning Dwarvish:

Dwarf Scrolls To communicate, collect all four Dwarf Scrolls (artifacts). Donate them to the museum; Gunther will reward you with a Dwarvish translation guide.

Gift Guide:

Dwarf Gifts Gifts significantly impact friendship. Remember, his birthday is Summer 22 (gifts given then yield 8x friendship points).

  • Loved Gifts (+80 friendship): Gemstones (Amethyst , Aquamarine , Jade , Ruby , Topaz , Emerald ), Lemon Stone , Omni Geode , Lava Eel , and all universally loved gifts.
  • Liked Gifts (+45 friendship): All universally liked gifts, all artifacts, Cave Carrot , Quartz .
  • Disliked/Hated Gifts (Friendship decrease): Avoid mushrooms, foraged items, and universally hated gifts (except artifacts).

Movie Theater:

Movie Theater The Dwarf attends movie screenings. He loves all movies but prefers Stardrop Sorbet and Rock Candy. He likes Cotton Candy, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jawbreaker, Salmon Burger, Sour Slimes, and Star Cookie. Other snacks are disliked.

This updated guide reflects recent Stardew Valley updates, offering a comprehensive approach to befriending this unique character.

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