How To Get Weapon Upgrades and Ammo Mods in Jingle Hells in Black Ops 6 Zombies

Jan 24,25

Jingle Hells, the festive Black Ops 6 Zombies mode, offers a unique twist on weapon progression and upgrades. Forget the Arsenal Machine; this holiday-themed map relies on Aether Tools for weapon upgrades.

Weapon Upgrades in Jingle Hells

Unlike the standard Black Ops 6 Zombies experience, Salvage is useless in Jingle Hells. Instead, you'll need Aether Tools, consumable items with varying rarity levels (color-coded). Using an Aether Tool upgrades your weapon to that rarity tier (e.g., a purple Aether Tool upgrades to Legendary). Here's how to obtain them:

  • Church Spire: Toss a grenade at the zombie head atop the church spire. The higher the round, the better the Aether Tool rarity.
  • Bank Vault: Loot keys unlock safety deposit boxes, which may contain Aether Tools.
  • S.A.M. Trials: Completing these trials offers a chance at Aether Tool rewards.
  • Hidden Power GobbleGum: Instantly upgrades your weapon to Legendary rarity.
  • Mystery Box, Wall Buys, Holiday Presents: Weapons obtained from these sources gain rarity tiers as rounds progress.

Ammo Mod Support in Jingle Hells in Black Ops 6 Zombies.

Ammo Mods: Cryo Freeze

The only Ammo Mod in Jingle Hells is Cryo Freeze, a consumable item. Acquire it by opening Holiday Presents, which drop randomly from enemy kills, the Naughty or Nice power-up, or the S.A.M. Machine. Higher rounds yield higher-rarity rewards from presents. "Nice" power-ups drop multiple presents, while "Naughty" ones spawn hordes of vermin.

Equipment and Support

The Workbench is also absent, meaning no Salvage-based equipment crafting. However, equipment and Support items (like Chopper Gunners, etc.) can still be found:

  • Enemy Kills: Equipment drops from regular enemies.
  • Holiday Presents: Can contain equipment.
  • Special/Elite Enemy Kills: Support items drop from these tougher foes.
  • S.A.M. Trials: May reward equipment and Support.
  • Bank Vault Deposit Boxes: Another potential source of equipment and Support.

Support in Jingle Hells in Black Ops 6 Zombies.

Mastering these methods ensures you're well-equipped for the festive zombie onslaught in Jingle Hells.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Warzone are currently available on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

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